St. Philip the Apostle Parish


Homeless Shelters

Held in our prayer and care regularly. As part of our Christmas "Giving Tree" each year, the people of St Philip Parish help provide many needed items at local Homeless Shelters. We collect toiletries and other items upon request, for the many people who seek refuge during the winter months at this shelter. Including blankets for people living in their cars.  For more information, contact Sr. Helen Keyzer at (920) 468-7848.

NEW Community Shelter

St Philip Parish is one of many area churches who participate in providing meals at the NEW Community Shelter. Our Parish prepares and serves the evening meals the third Sunday of January, March, May, July, September and November. We have coordinators for each meal and parishioners sign up to bring various dishes. Attendance at these meals ranges anywhere between 150-200 people.

If you would like to be involved in this community outreach program, please watch for the sign-up sheets in church the weekend before each meal. If you'd like to help serve or coordinate a meal ... please call the Parish Office for more information.

This important hands-on ministry is very vital to our Community and we are proud as a Parish to be a part of it!

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