St. Philip the Apostle Parish


Friends of Haiti

2024 Update: Unfortunately, due to the Haiti crisis, there is a big concern for people's safety and volunteers who used to deliver items can no longer do so. However, the Haiti organization is still accepting monetary donations to help clinics in Haiti.  We also continue to make and sell greeting cards to benefit this important cause.

To find out more about our Friends of Haiti Program or learn about the ways in which you can currently help, call the Parish Office at 468-7848. Thank you!

Friends of Haiti Program origins ...

St. Philip's involvement in helping the people of Haiti goes back to Fr Larry Canavera. He connected our parish with St. Anne's Parish in Thomazeau, which became our "Sister Parish" ... and we've been working with them ever since.

Fr Larry's first medical mission to St. Anne's Parish was in March of 2001. The Parish helped by collecting medicines and supplies, and the kids ran a "Dimes & Toothbrushes for Haiti" campaign. Everyone wanted to do their part.

Today the people of St Philip Parish continue to help the people of Haiti.

  • We have a group that meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month to make greeting cards (proceeds of which go to Haiti). Alternate times are available, please contact Sr. Helen at our Parish Office (920) 468-7848.
  • Greeting cards available for purchase ($1/each) in St. Philip Parish Office and in the back of church
  • We repackage pills when needed to prepare for medical missions
  • We collect used eyeglasses and sunglasses
  • We collect the pull tabs from aluminum beverage cans

Soon after  the devastating earthquake we stepped up our support:

  • We had a special collection in church shortly after the disaster hit
  • We had several Concert Benefits that brought in over $2,000
  • And monetary donations keep coming in.

To find out more about our Friends of Haiti Program or to see how you can help ... call the Parish Office at 468-7848. Thanks!

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